Courageous Content Live is the UK’s biggest content marketing event that aims to save you time and get you better results with your content. Over the two days, various guest speakers shared their expertise about:

  • online marketing trends and insights,
  • tried and tested marketing tactics,
  • content production hacks

As well as the opportunity to network and socialise with fellow business owners/creatives.

Touchpoints Marketing was one of the sponsors for this year's event, sponsoring attendees' first drinks at the Above Rooftop bar.

Here’s one of the many margaritas Vic and Stef enjoyed, cheers!!

Take a look at the plan over the two days:

The conference kickstarted with an inspirational talk with David Bennet, How To Grow & Monetise A Large Audience On YouTube.

David set the tone with a realistic approach stating there’s no such thing as overnight success. This is so true, and it was refreshing to hear a success story with elements of realism.
During his talk, he explained the do’s and don'ts when creating content:

  • Aim to spark curiosity
  • Visuals/Graphics, considering the preview image, as well as visuals throughout your videos.
  • Don’t be fluffy, get straight to the point
  • Quality over quantity.
  • Consider ways to have your videos on the recommended page. Aim to understand the algorithm.
  • Don’t have copyright issues in your videos.

While professional recording equipment elevates your content, you can build a successful career on a budget. Perseverance and commitment are the keys to a successful monetised YouTube audience.

Rob & Kennedy, increasing conversation from your email newsletter:

Rob & Kennedy brought a special energy and humour to the room, which made their talk a really interesting listen!

They had an interesting way of building conversation into your email newsletter to take it to the next level. Spending long periods of time considering themes for your newsletter is something we all need to eradicate, however, it is much easier said than done!

Here are a few ways to stay focused on the content you want to deliver to your audience:

  • Focus on a story to tie your audience in
  • The moral of the story that will benefit them
  • What you are offering, what they need in order to benefit.

This is what Rob and Kennedy call, the environment of zero competition!

Something we were quite surprised to hear, is to remove your photos from the copy, instead send them to the website. The goal is to drive traffic to your website.

Time is something we are all short of, Katie Fawkes from ecamm offered some really useful advice: Turning 10 pieces of content into 10!

  1. Descript replay
  2. Video clipsPodcast Monetisation & Growth with Captivate
  3. Podcast
  4. Audiogram on socials
  5. Blog post
  6. PDF/ebook
  7. Newsletter
  8. Course content
  9. Behind-the-scenes/teaser videos provide an insight into what you do.

Podcast Monetisation & Growth with Captivate:

Creating a podcast can be quite scary, however, after listening to Sarah, Natalie and Charlotte, podcasts never sounded so fun!

Here are some tips going forward when creating your podcasts:
  • Understand your call to action
  • Link new podcasts with previous content. “Did you hear last week’s podcast where we…”. Your podcasts are constantly available, driving new listeners to older content will help build your community.
  • If you have ideas which may work better on somebody else, consider guest-starring on each other's podcasts. This will also be beneficial to building your audience.
  • Never assume people know about what you’re telling them.

Just before Courageous Content live came to a close:

Our final speaker jumped onto the stage to serenade our minds with amazing knowledge about Pinterest. Phill Pallan had the whole room buzzing with his energetic talk all about Pinterest threads & growth strategies for 2023 & beyond!

Pinterest is often a very neglected social media channel, however as Phil stated “Pinterest marketing takes less time having yields better results! He also explained his content workflow, and how he incorporates all his work around Pinterest!

Content workflow:


Overall, the event was a surreal experience providing an array of useful knowledge which we can have shine throughout Touchpoints and our client's work. This was an amazing opportunity to further develop areas we didn’t even know needed developing. While all the speakers portrayed valuable information. Karen Arthur, highlighted such an important matter and something we often forget, “mental health comes first, if you're not enjoying what you do then why the hell are you doing it!”

To learn more about Courageous Content, find out more here!